POPES Spring Newsletter & Update

POPES Spring sale

Spring is finally in the air. Yes, it’s that time of year when the smell of cut grass lingers with the smell of the neighbours BBQ while you’re watching your team in the finals. It doesn’t get any better than this.

As Canberrans defrost and come out of hibernation they get out and about in the yard and start working on those odd jobs. To help you capitalise on these opportunities we’ve got a new Spring Sale catalogue with great prices on Clipsal Iconic Outdoor range, as well as downlights, tools and your everyday needs.

Price Increases

From the 1st of September the following suppliers have advised of price increases. If you require any additional information in relation to any of these please contact your preferred staff member.

  • Trader (3% average)
  • PSA Products (various products)
  • Pierlite (6.8% average)
  • Matchmaster (not specified)
  • Martec (not specified)
  • Hartman Gorilla Ladders (various products)
  • Brilliant Lighting (6% average)
  • Clevertronics (not specified)

Home Automation Training

We will be organising contractor information nights and training in the coming months with our preferred suppliers on their home automation solutions. Solutions such as SAL Pixie, MELEC Stitchy and Clipsal Wiser will be covered.

If you would like to register your interest in one or all of these sessions please email events@popeselectrical.com.au and send your name, mobile, company and which session (or all) you are most interested in.